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We have partnered with FreeWill to make it simpler than ever to create your legal will, steward your resources, and start your legacy. If you would prefer to finalize your will with an attorney, you can also save time with your lawyer by using FreeWill to document your wishes first.

Why use FreeWill?

To Be Thoughtful

Make important decisions where they belong – at home.

To Be Kind

Support the people and causes that mean the most to you

To Be Savvy

Save time, money, and stress for you and your loved ones

FreeWill Mission

FreeWill is on a mission to help people plan for the future while doing the most good for the people and causes they care about. By using FreeWill, you help keep this service free for everyone no matter their circumstances. If you choose to commit a small gift to a nonprofit, you’ll also be helping them continue their work for generations to come, all at no cost to you during your lifetime.