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Christian Living


Dr. Jon Chasteen
April 6, 2024

Getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do! And whatever else you do, get good judgment.

Proverbs 4:7 (NLT)

Need wisdom for daily living? No need to feel alone--most of us do! Wisdom is the predominant theme of the book of Proverbs, hence why the book is dubbed the “wisdom manual” for daily living. It’s designed to provide common sense and skill in dealing with everyday problems. It brings balance to our lives as we endeavor to live in the high-tech, so-called “information age.” According to Scripture, the acquiring of wisdom is “the most important thing you can do!”  

Solomon begins the book by saying, “The purpose of these proverbs is to teach people wisdom…”  (Prov. 1:2a). In essence, he is saying... “I am writing so that you too can have a personal encounter with wisdom!” How important is wisdom in the book? Important enough to be mentioned over 123 times!  

The Hebrew word for wisdom is the word hokmah. It is a multifaceted word that means “to have skill, intelligence and sensibility, judicious prow, to be endued with reason.” Wisdom is simply the ability to live skillfully in whatever circumstances we find ourselves. 

It’s noteworthy to observe that King Solomon primarily presents wisdom in two forms throughout the book: the feminine gender and first-person point-of-view. Concerning the feminine gender, you might ask, “Why does he present wisdom as a woman?”  Some scholars lay the blame on his heightened preoccupation with women. However, since all scripture is inspired by God, there must be a deeper purpose. I believe the Holy Spirit is giving us a physical picture of spiritual truth. Think about it: from the natural standpoint, women are appealing and attractive--so is wisdom! She is desirable and unique among the species. Wisdom, too, holds these same qualities. In the creation account, woman is also represented as the crowning of all God’s creation--the completion of humankind. Wisdom also brings fullness and completion. 

Regarding the use of the first-person point-of-view, Solomon uses it to set forth the truth that wisdom speaks directly to each of us. (i.e. Prov. 8:6-7 “Listen to me! For I have excellent things to tell you. Everything I say is right, for I speak the truth and hate every kind of deception.”)  By using the first-person, the Holy Spirit is representing wisdom as something that is personal, beyond mere information or knowledge. Wisdom, therefore, becomes intimate, real, and animate. Wisdom takes on the notion of a close, personal friend!

Much more could be said concerning wisdom. However, each of us still needs wisdom for daily living. The book of Proverbs centers on these concerns more than any other book in your Bible. Why not avail yourself to it? Grab your New Living Translation, and let’s wise up!