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Christian Living

Digging Deeper: Music

Dr. Jon Chasteen
March 8, 2024

Don’t be drunk with wine because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts.

Ephesians 5:18-19 (NLT)

Scripture seems to indicate that singing and music are very important to God.  There are over 200 references to music in both the Old and New Testaments, and Israel’s history abounds with conclusive evidence that God’s people have always had a song to sing.

In various places, the Bible records that all of heaven celebrates with singing; furthermore, it appears that God Himself is moved by it and possibly joins in!  Other important indicators include the fact that angels were created with musical abilities (See Ezekiel 28). Could it be God is fixated on music and song? I think so!

Undoubtedly, music is one of the greatest movers of emotions known to mankind. It has the power to shape values or to erode them. It can easily evoke a tear or sometimes even a smile! Whether we like it or not, music and lyrics literally have the power to produce life or death in the hearer.

For this reason, it is important to understand that music and song go much deeper than the natural ear--they affect mankind to the core of his being. We become a byproduct of the music we embrace. Could it be that we need to sentry more carefully the music we allow into our lives? Possibly! 

It’s also notable to observe that music seems to be associated with many of the major moves of God recorded in scripture. We find diverse sounds and songs associated with the sundry activities of God down through the millennia. Here are just a few examples:

Job 38:4-7 states that at creation, the stars sang, and the angels of God shouted for joy. At the Exodus, Miriam and the women also sang for joy (Ex. 15:1-19). When the children of Israel marched around Jericho, the walls collapsed as Israel sounded trumpets and shouted (Josh. 6:10-12). Of course, David’s reign introduced a whole new level of music. It was twenty-four-hours-a-day music, to be exact (1 Chron. 25:1). At the dedication of Solomon’s Temple, trumpets and singing were in order (2 Chron. 5:11-14).

Many would contend that this pattern is a strong argument that each move of God is accompanied by a new release of music and sound. Others might assert that if you want to be in on what God is currently doing, you need to be singing the songs He is now releasing! But you can decide that for yourself.

So, what role is music playing in your life? Are you on the cutting edge of the new sounds being released on the earth today? It might be beneficial for each of us to revisit our personal attitudes toward music and song. Let’s become intentional in using music aright. It could change your life! Hey, sing on!