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2015 – Anchored
Trust Me


It was a cold night and our baby was struggling to breathe.  She was having another random asthma attack and this time she was turning colors.  Her heart was racing to provide oxygen to her little body and I was a wreck.  We prayed over her and proclaimed God’s healing but it continued to get worst.  My wife and I decided we would load her into the car and make the over 30-minute drive to the nearest hospital emergency room, in the next county.  I was freaking out and couldn’t understand why this was happening.  She was a miracle baby we had prayed for with our church family, after almost two years of trying to conceive.  It seemed like she was constantly fighting off some kind of sickness and I wondered if we would lose her.  I began to pray and ask God what He wanted and why this was happening.  Driving down the highway I heard God say “Let her go and trust Me no matter what.”  What did this mean?  Was I supposed to be okay with her dying?  As we entered the city I felt this strong urge to just pull over and let go.  I told God I would do it but if she didn’t get better in an hour I was going to take her to the hospital.  I sat there in the parking lot of a retail store and said, “Okay God, I trust you no matter what.  If she dies I’m okay with it.  She’s in Your hands and I give her completely to You.”  I immediately had peace and we drifted off to sleep.  I will never forget being awakened by this bright light and loud knocking on the car window.  A police officer had pulled up to see what we were doing and asked if we were okay.  I explained the situation and then checked on my baby girl.  She was asleep in the back of the car and her breathing had returned to normal.  It’s been years now and she has not had another asthma attack or any major sickness.  

Since that night I have had the opportunity, through difficult circumstances, to completely give my other children, my vehicle, job, money, marriage, and even myself over to Him.  Everything belongs to Him and I trust He will accomplish greater things than I can ever imagine.  I am at peace and He is in control because my life, and all I have, is His.

Trusting God is more than proclaiming victory and praying over things we desire. It is a full submission of everything we have and trusting Him no matter what the cost. In this critical moment, our faith is increased and He becomes the one true God in our lives.  

What do you need to give over to God today? Are you ready to trust Him no matter what?


“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.” — Proverbs 3:5

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD and whose trust is the LORD.” — Jeremiah 17:7



Choosing to trust can sometimes be so hard, but I want to honor You by taking a step today in trusting You.  I give You my day.  I choose to trust that Your thoughts are much higher than mine, and Your ways are much better than mine, too!  You are so awesome!  I’m excited to take this step, and I know I’m in Your hands.

Bless the finances of our church today.  We believe Your Word that as we give, You give back pressed down, shaken together, and running over.  I partner with our leadership in that our church is debt free.  To God be the glory.

I love and trust You Father.

In Your name, Yahweh…Amen.

Victory Church

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Victory Church in Oklahoma