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2021 – Available 21 Day Fast

Isaiah 40:31 KJV

But they who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not grow weary; they shall walk and not faint.

A big part of being available is being strong when called on.

We all get tired and weary, but God has an antidote and it’s called REST.

It’s great when we have a Sabbath rest, take a nap, or just relax in front of the TV, but sometimes that doesn’t give us real rest.

God has a strategy that will refresh and rejuvenate your body, soul, and spirit.

He is asking you to wait upon Him. It’s not a quick and easy fix to get your life renewed. Waiting is saying to God, “I just want to hang out with You, and anything You want to say or impress upon me is great, but I’m really here to just be with You for a while.” And in that process, you’ll find yourself renewed because the God of the whole Universe will take time to be present or whisper something that will rock your world.

Your personal application:

1. Find a quiet place (read something in the Word and pray)

2. Sit still (this honors God and is a form of worship)

3. Take time to mediate ONLY on Him (try to not ask for any requests or concerns)

3. Wait

4. Listen (for His still small voice or you may feel His nearness)

This acronym of REST helps me remember what rest looks like:

R Resist running around

E Establish what things you really need to accomplish

S Still

T Trust

Barb Swanson

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Victory Church in Oklahoma