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2020 – 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
Encouraging Relationships

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV

Sometimes in our busy lives we get caught up in just getting through the day, and before we know it, days, weeks, or even months go by and we have forgotten about all the people in our lives. God’s Kingdom is based on relationships; our relationship with Him and also our relationships with our family, friends, and community. In this verse, Paul reminds us to encourage one another – to give support, confidence, and hope to those around us.

Let 2020 be the year that you intentionally make time to build up others. We all are busy, but this is a priority for God and His Kingdom! Write it in your planner. Set a reminder on your phone. Each day ask God to show you who to encourage and ask Him to give you the right words.

Let’s begin to join in prayer and to praise one another. Let’s set good examples. Let’s take the time to comfort and edify one another.

Father, help me to make time to speak encouraging words to my family and friends. Keep me focused and make this a habit that I will find enjoyable. May this enrich the friendships in my life. May this open doors to new relationships. And most of all, may this bring me closer to You. All this in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen!

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Victory Church in Oklahoma