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40 days of Prayer: March 1 - April 9

Prayer and Worship Schedule

Prayer from 7am-7pm in Room 22 at OKC Campus
Live worship at 12pm and 6pm

Worship and prayer from 6:45pm-8pm in OKC Main Auditorium

Worship and prayer from 8am-9am OKC Youth Auditorium

40 Days of Prayer Topics

  1. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
    Pray for God to move in Oklahoma City and that His Spirit would lead city leaders as they make decisions. Pray wisdom and protection over government officials and city leaders. Ask the Lord to increase the reach and influence of our Oklahoma City Campus.
  2. Edmond, Oklahoma
    Pray for God to move in Edmond and that His Spirit would lead city leaders as they make decisions. Pray wisdom and protection over government officials and city leaders. Ask the Lord to increase the reach and influence of our Edmond Campus. Pray that God would provide the resources to begin expanding our building in Edmond.
  3. Spanish Speaking Community in Oklahoma City
    Pray for God to move in the lives of the Spanish speaking community in Oklahoma City. Ask the Lord to increase the reach and influence of our Iglesia Campus.
  4. Grapevine, Texas
    As we launch our Grapevine location, pray for God to move in Grapevine and that His Spirit would lead city leaders as they make decisions. Pray wisdom and protection over government officials and city leaders. Ask the Lord to increase the reach and influence of our Grapevine Campus. Pray that God would provide the resources needed as we grow.
  5. Oklahoma and Texas
    Pray for our states. Ask the Lord to move on the hearts of those that are far from Him and that He would use Victory Church to bring the good news of the Gospel to those that are lost. Pray that God would move in the lives of the Governors and those in positions of authority in our states and that he would bring wisdom, peace, and conviction from the Holy Spirit as they lead and make decisions.
  6. United States
    Pray for our nation. Ask the Lord to move on the hearts of those that are far from Him and that He would use the Church to bring the good news of the Gospel to those that are lost. Pray that God would move in the life of our President and those in positions of authority in our country and that he would bring wisdom, peace, and conviction from the Holy Spirit as they lead and make decisions.
  7. Children (Infant-Elementary School)
    Pray for protection over our children’s minds, hearts, and bodies. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself in powerful ways to our kids. Pray that elementary schools would be a safe place for students to grow and develop. Pray for your elementary schools to have the necessary resources and leadership. Pray that God would preserve our children for His glory. Pray specifically for kids in your life.
  8. Students (Middle School)
    Pray for protection over our middle schooler’s minds, hearts, and bodies. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself in powerful ways to our students. Pray that middle schools would be a safe place for students to grow and develop. Pray for your middle schools to have the necessary resources and leadership. Pray that God would preserve our students for His glory. Pray specifically for middle schoolers in your life.
  9. Students (High School)
    Pray for protection over our high schooler’s minds, hearts, and bodies. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself in powerful ways to our students. Pray that high schools would be a safe place for students to grow and develop. Pray for your high schools to have the necessary resources and leadership. Pray that God would preserve our students for His glory. Pray specifically for high schoolers in your life.
  10. College campuses
    Ask the Lord to move in our college campuses around the country. Pray for God to encounter college students in transformative ways that shift the culture of our nation. Pray for boldness and endurance in the lives of believers on college campuses to stand firm in times of opposition. Pray specifically for college students in your life.
  11. The Global Church
    Pray that God would strengthen the body of Christ around the World, especially in places where believers are experiencing extreme persecution. Ask the Lord to fill our hearts with renewed passion and desire for His presence, and to equip us with the necessary things to live out His call. Ask the Lord for a greater release of the fruit and gifts of the Spirit in your life and in the Church.
  12. The Lost
    Pray the God would use whatever measure he sees fit to reach those that are lost. Ask the Lord to give greater influence to the Church around the world in the lives of unbelievers, and for unbelievers to repent and come to faith in Christ in incredible numbers. Pray that God would open the eyes, hearts and minds of unbelievers in your life, and that He would open up opportunities to share the gospel.
  13. Men and Fathers
    Pray for the men in your life. Dads, grandads, mentors, friends, etc. Ask the Lord to give them confidence in who they are in Him, and the grace to walk in Biblical manhood. Lift up those who are Fathers. Ask the Lord to bring wisdom, peace, and grace as they love and lead their families. Pray that God would raise up men to lead from a place of full surrender to Jesus.
  14. Women and Mothers
    Pray for the Women in your life. Mothers, grandmothers, mentors, friends, etc. Ask the Lord to give them confidence in who they are in Him, and the grace to walk in Biblical womanhood. Lift up those who are Mothers. Ask the Lord to bring wisdom, peace, and grace as they love and lead their families. Pray that God would raise up women that bring healing, strength, comfort, and wisdom in our generation as they live in full surrender to Jesus.
  15. Families
    Pray for your family. Ask the Lord to bless and protect your loved ones. Spouses, children, parents, grandparents, etc. Pray for a protection over families against every attempt of the enemy to diminish the value and power of unity within families. Ask the Lord to bring healing and restoration to families that are dealing with strife, resentment, and brokenness.
  16. Grandparents
    Pray specifically for grandparents in your family. Whether your own grandparents or your children’s grandparents, ask the Lord to bless them with grace and protection in this season.
  17. Widows/widowers
    Pray for widows and widowers in our community. Ask the Lord to bring comfort and peace when the days get hard. Pray that they would experience connection with the Lord in a deep way. Pray that the Lord would bring godly community to surround their life in ways that bring joy and healing.
  18. Single parents
    Pray for single parents in our community. Ask the Lord to provide wisdom, insight, and strength for this season and the seasons to come. Pray that they would gain favor with their children as they lead, nurture, protect, and connect with them. Pray that God would surround single parents with godly community both for them and their children.
  19. Addiction
    Pray for those that are dealing with addiction. Ask the Lord to break the hold of drugs, alcohol, pornography, and other substances that may be present in people’s lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the restoration and recovery of the individuals that are coming out of addiction. Ask the Lord to restore and redeem relationships, jobs, finances, marriages, and families that have been negatively affected by addiction and that stories of God’s faithfulness and goodness would be the result.
  20. Pray the Word
    Take some time today to apply this Scripture in prayer.
    Revelation 22:20 20 He who is the faithful witness to all these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon!” Amen! Come, Lord Jesus! As you go about your day invite the Lord into every situation. The good, the bad, the frustrating, and the happy moments. Pray the words “Come, Lord Jesus” in every moment inviting him in while understanding that your hope and future are found in his coming, both now and in eternity.
  21. Mental Health (Anxiety, Depression, Suicide)
    Pray for those who are dealing with mental health struggles. Ask the Lord to bring peace and confidence in place of fear and worry. Ask Him to bring joy and freedom in place of depression and regret. Pray that God would provide a zeal for life in Him in the lives of those that are struggling. Ask the Lord for healing of minds and broken hearts and that He would provide Godly community to those who are struggling. Pray that the Holy Spirit would renew our minds as we draw closer to Jesus.
  22. Human trafficking
    Pray for the human trafficking crisis around the world. Ask the Lord to bring supernatural rescue to victims of human trafficking around the world and lift up organizations like Beautiful Dream Society in Lesotho that are on the ground everyday rescuing those that have fallen victim to this evil. Lift up the families of those who are impacted by human trafficking and pray that those being rescued find safety, healing, and restoration. Pray for godly justice in this issue to take place.
  23. Broken relationships
    Pray for those who are dealing with broken relationships and lift up any broken relationship in your life. Ask the Lord to reconcile those relationships through love, compassion, and understanding. Ask God to bring wisdom and insight into what your role is in repairing the broken relationship.
  24. Racism and Prejudice
    Pray for God to reveal and uproot racism and prejudice in our city, state, nation, and world. Ask the Lord to bring healing to those affected by racism and prejudice and that His Spirit would create change in the hearts of those who may hold any prejudices toward specific groups of people. Pray for unity between those from different ethnic and racial backgrounds, especially believers, so that the prayer of Jesus would become the reality of our time, that we would be known by our love for one another.
  25. Personal finances and Stewardship
    Ask the Lord for wisdom in how to steward your personal finances. Pray for God’s grace and insight to come over you as you lead your life and family in this area. Ask Him to show you where you need to be more disciplined, generous, and intentional in your finances.
  26. Physical healing for sickness and disease
    Pray for those in your life who need healing from physical sickness, disease, or injury. Ask for God to heal them supernaturally and that pain or discomfort would no longer be present. Pray for miraculous reports from doctors. Ask the Lord to do this in your life if you are in need of healing also.
  27. Homelessness and Poverty
    Pray for the those that are homeless in our city, state, nation, and world. Ask the Lord to remove the Spirit of poverty off those who are in need and that there would be supernatural provision that takes place through housing, jobs, finances, and healthcare. Pray for organizations like the City Rescue Mission that are on the frontlines helping those in need as well as ministries like Church Under the Bridge that are ministering to those in poverty and homelessness in our community.
  28. Orphans and Children in Foster Care (Foster Care System)
    Pray for children who’ve lost parents or guardians and children currently in foster care. Ask the Lord to bring comfort to them by His Spirit. Pray that the right homes would be opened for these children to experience love, joy, and hope. Pray that God would bring about the right people to adopt and foster. Ask the Lord what role He wants you to play in this. Pray for the adoption and foster care systems to have the necessary resources and wisdom to provide healthy experiences and outcomes for every child.
  29. Abortion
    Pray that the Lord would intervene in the issue of abortion. Ask him to bring a new zeal for life in our day. Pray that hearts would be turned to him, and that he would bring healing to women that our experiencing guilt, shame, and trauma because of an abortion. Ask God to provide resources, care, and a loving community to women that are considering an abortion. Pray for ministries like Embrace Grace that are inspiring and equipping churches to love and support single mothers and pregnant young women through spiritual, emotional, and physical care. Pray for the Lord to raise up Spiritual mothers in our churches that would walk alongside and disciple women who are hurting.
  30. Pray the Word, the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6: 9-13)
    Take some time to pray the Lord’s prayer today found in Matthew 6:9-13. Look for ways to make this prayer personal to your life and specific situations.
  31. Refugees in our nation and around the world
    Pray for refugees that are seeking safety due to conflict or persecution in their home country. Ask the Lord to provide homes, resources, and effective ways to integrate into their new context and society. Pray for wisdom and compassion as governments create systems and processes to properly care for refugees around the world.
  32. Missions/missionaries around the World
    Pray for missions happening right now all over the world. Ask the Lord to open doors for evangelism, discipleship, and revival in every nation, especially places with unreached people groups. Lift up missionaries around the world that are risking their lives and sacrificing comfort for the sake of the gospel. Pray that the Lord would protect, comfort, and empower them to equip local churches to reach the lost. Ask the Lord to raise up missionaries that are willing to go to the ends of the earth!
  33. Countries in North America and South America
    Pray for countries in North and South America. Ask God to draw people to himself in these places and that He would build His church! Pray for revival and pray specifically for a country that the Lord places in your heart.
  34. Countries in Europe and Asia
    Pray for countries in Europe and Asia. Ask God to draw people to himself in these places and that He would build His church! Pray for revival and pray specifically for a country that the Lord places in your heart.
  35. Countries in Africa, People in Australia, and Pacific
    Pray for countries in Africa, people in Australia and the Pacific. Ask God to draw people to himself in these places and that He would build His church! Pray for revival and pray specifically for a country that the Lord places in your heart.
  36. Unreached people groups
    More than 7,000 people groups (approximately 3.2 billion, 40% of the total population) are classified as unreached according to organizations like Joshua Project and Operation World. Pray that the Lord would create opportunities to reach these people groups with the gospel and for language barriers to be overcome. Ask the Lord to encounter people supernaturally through dreams and visions. Pray that Jesus builds His Church in these places as His Word goes forth.
  37. Increased hunger for God’s Word and Truth
    Pray for the Holy Spirit to increase your hunger for God’s Word and Truth and pray for that same hunger to be experienced in the Church.
  38. Increased hunger for God’s Presence and Spirit
    Pray for the Holy Spirit to increase your hunger for God’s Presence and Spirit and pray for that same hunger to be experienced in the Church.
  39. Unity in the body of Christ.
    Ask the Lord to bring unity to His body all over the world. Pray the believers would be humble and compassionate toward one another as we seek to be one. Pray for the same spirit of unity that was in the upper room in Acts 2 to be present in churches around the world.
  40. Outpouring of the Spirit that leads to revival in cities.
    On this Easter, pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit like we’ve never seen before. Ask the Lord to bring us to a place of repentance to experience His fullness. Pray that the outpouring of His Spirit on Easter would lead to on-going life change and revival in our cities and around the world.
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Victory Church in Oklahoma